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DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE belongs to a class of NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and is a combination of three medicines which include Diclofenac, Methyl salicylate and Menthol. It is primarily used to relieve joint pain from arthritis. Arthritis is the swelling and tenderness (pain on touching) of one or more joints characterized by joint pain and stiffness, which typically worsen with age.

Diclofenac is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that works by blocking the release of certain chemical messengers in the brain which are responsible for causing pain and symptoms of inflammation such as redness and swelling. Methyl salicylate and Menthol are topical analgesics (applied directly to relieve pain). They work initially by cooling the skin followed by warming it up. This action helps in improving blood circulation anda provides relief from the pain.

DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE is for external use only. Use it in the dose and duration as advised by your doctor. Like all medicines, DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them. You might experience side effects such as burning or stinging sensation, irritation, itching, and redness at the site of application. Most of these side effects of DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE do not require medical attention and gradually resolve over time. However, if the side effects are persistent, reach out to your doctor.

Do not use this medicine without consulting your doctor. Even though medicines used topically (directly applied) on the skin are not normally affected by any other medicines, you should inform your doctor if you are taking any other medicine. Also, inform your doctor if you had an allergic reaction to diclofenac or any other medicines in the past, ever had signs of any lung, liver, kidney-related diseases/disorders, muscle weakness (myasthenia gravis), sleeping disorder or difficulty in sleeping (sleep apnoea). Please tell your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding to avoid unnecessary risks.


Treatment of Inflammation and Pain.

Medicinal Benefits

DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE is a combination of three medicines. Here, diclofenac works by blocking the release of certain chemical messengers in the brain which are responsible for causing pain and signs of inflammation such as redness and swelling. On the other hand, methyl salicylate and menthol work by causing the skin to feel cool and then warm. This action helps in the improvement of blood circulation and thus provides relief from pain.

Directions for Use

Clean and dry the affected area and apply DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE in sufficient quantity enough to cover the affected area. Wash your hands after using unless your hands are the affected area.


Store in a cool and dry place away from sunlight


  • Burning
  • Irritation
  • Itching
  • Redness

In-Depth Precautions and Warning

Drug Warnings

Consumption of alcohol should be avoided during the treatment with DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE as it may lead to an increased risk of liver damage. Patients with stomach ulcers, gastric bleeding, severe heart failure, high blood pressure, and liver or kidney disease should not take DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE. Besides this, it should be avoided during the last trimester of pregnancy, unless the doctor has prescribed you. If you have a severe allergy to painkillers and have conditions like asthma, rhinitis, angioedema (swelling under the skin), or skin rashes, immediately stop taking DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE.

Drug Interactions

Drug-Drug Interaction: Medicines like blood thinners (warfarin, aspirin), diuretics (furosemide and thiazide) and heart-related medicine (digoxin) interact with DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE. So, if you are taking these medicines make sure you contact the doctor before taking DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE.

Drug-Food Interaction: No interaction found.

Drug-Disease Interaction: People with peptic ulcer, gastric bleeding, severe heart failure, and high blood pressure should avoid intake of DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE as it may lead to unpleasant side-effects.

Drug-Drug Interactions Checker List:

  • Safety Advice

    • Safety Warning



      It is not advised to consume alcohol with DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE as intake of alcohol increases the risk of bleeding when taken with DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE.

    • Safety Warning



      DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE is not recommended during pregnancy unless your doctor considers it essential. Your doctor will weigh the benefits and any potential risks before prescribing it to you.

    • Safety Warning

      Breast Feeding


      DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE is not recommended during breast-feeding. However, your doctor may prescribe it for you during breast-feeding if he/she feels that the benefit to you outweighs the risk. You should not take $ name without doctor's advice.

    • Safety Warning


      safe if prescribed

      Drive only if you are physically stable and mentally focussed, If you experience drowsiness after taking these medications you should not drive or operate any machinery or vehicles.

    • Safety Warning



      DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE is not recommended to use in patients suffering from severe liver diseases/conditions.

    • Safety Warning



      DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE is not recommended to use in patients suffering from severe kidney diseases/conditions.

    • Safety Warning


      safe if prescribed

      DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE is recommended in children only if prescribed by a child specialist.

    Habit Forming


    Diet & Lifestyle Advise

    • Include more glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, Vitamin D, calcium-enriched supplements. Besides this, turmeric and fish oils can help in reducing inflammation in the tissue.
    • Do not go for heavy exercise as it may increase your joint pain in arthritis. Instead, you can do stretching, low impact aerobic exercise like walking on a treadmill, bike riding, and swimming. You can also strengthen your muscle strength by lifting light weights.
    • In the chronic conditions of arthritis or joint pain try to include fish like salmon, trout, tuna, and sardines. These fishes are enriched with omega-3 fatty acids that minimum level of chemical called cytokines, which ramp up inflammation.
    • Your sitting posture is important especially when have pain and inflammation condition. Try to sit little as possible, and only for short time (10-15 min). Use back support like a rolled-up towel at the back of your curve to minimize pain. Keep your knees and hips at a right angle. Besides this, you can use a footrest if required.

    Special Advise

    DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE increases the risk of bleeding if taken along with alcohol. Thus, it is advised not to intake alcohol while taking DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE.

    Patients Concern

    Disease/Condition Glossary

    Arthritis: It is an inflammation of joints which can affect one or more joints characterised by joint pain and stiffness, which typically worsen with age.


    DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE is primarily used to relieve joint pain from arthritis.

    The precautions which should be taken while using DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE are to avoid showering/bathing for at least 1 hour after the application. One should wash his/her hands after use unless the hands are the treated joint. If it is applied to the hand(s) for treatment; one should not wash the treated hand(s) for at least 1 hour after the application. Do not apply it to open wounds. Avoid contact of DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE with eyes and mucous membranes. External heat and/or occlusive dressings should not be applied to treated joints. Exposure of the treated joint(s) should be avoided to natural or artificial sunlight. Other topical products such as sunscreens, cosmetics, lotions, insect repellants, moisturizers, or other topical medications should be avoided. Avoid wearing clothing or gloves over the affected area for at least 10 minutes.

    The symptoms of overdosage of DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE include severe pain in the stomach, change in the amount of urine, and slow or shallow breathing.

    It is advised to take DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE in pregnant women with caution. It is not recommended to take DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE in the third trimester (starting of 30 weeks) of pregnancy as it might pose risk to the unborn baby.

    DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE should be taken with caution in patients with kidney diseases. It is not recommended for patients who are suffering from severe kidney diseases.

    No, DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE is not advised to use in women who are facing difficulty in conceiving.

    No, it is not advised to use DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE in patients with severe heart failure.

    DICLOFENAC+MENTHOL+METHYL SALICYLATE is a combination of three medicines. Here, diclofenac works by blocking the release of certain chemical messengers in the brain which are responsible for causing pain and signs of inflammation such as redness and swelling. On the other hand, methyl salicylate and menthol work by causing the skin to feel cool and then warm. This action helps in the improvement of blood circulation and thus provides relief from pain.

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